bickenstaff & knowles auctions

bickenstaff & knowles auction in progress

Our Core Business Model

Bickenstaff & Knowles was the first company ever to hold specialist auctions of contemporary Oriental carpets - the public auction process has been the lynchpin of our business model throughout the four decades of our existence.

Arising from this central commitment to a unique commercial methodology, Bickenstaff & Knowles has built an unrivalled national and international auction business which is encompasses more than fifty countries and territories over five continents.

The Auction Advantage

Our experience has shown that there is no more efficient and cost-effective mechanism for the disposal of very substantial quantities of Oriental carpets and other tarditionally 'high ticket' luxury and connoisseur merchandise within the shortest possible time-frame than a precisely tailored and expertly marketed public auction programme.

The global scope of our auction activities, backed up by our team of highly experienced and multi-lingual auctioneers and long-established local agents, allows the most intensive marketing infrastructure for optimal disposal of even the largest inventories of extremely specialised and valuable products

Auction Benefits

Our public auctions offer potential buyers a unique opportunity to examine and select from a large number of guaranteed authentic handmade rugs in a wide range of the most favoured style, sizes and value categories, to set their own price on any items of interest, and very often obtain such items far more cheaply than anticipated, depending upon the degree of competitive bidding against them. As a result, it is very rare for any attendee at one of our auctions to leave without having successfully bid for one or several items of special appeal to them, at or below the value they had personally placed on them.